The Search Fund Blog
facts, opinions, and inspiration for searchers
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Podcast: The Predictive Index & Daniel Muzquiz
Jake interviews Daniel Muzquis about his journey to acquire The Predictive Index. Daniel reflects on his strategies, acquisitions and the lessons learnt.
How long does it take to buy a business?
Looking to buy a company? It may take longer than you think. Here are 5 ways to shorten your search.
The 5 serial killers of search fund deals
How long does it take to buy a company? Longer if you encounter any of these deal-killers.
Why project-based businesses generally don't make great search fund deals
Predictability of revenue is important to consider when selecting target industries in a search fund.
Webinar: search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition (University of Queensland)
Is a search fund a viable path for a mid-career MBA alum? In this webinar we provide an overview of the model and answer questions from the MBA audience.
How to select industries for your search fund PPM
The search fund PPM is the first step in most searchers' journeys, and showing investors you've thought carefully about your industry selections is important.
Why I decided to launch a search fund
One searcher's story about deciding to launch a search fund.
The case for the self-funded search
The “self-funded search” was all that existed before search funds came along, and it’s clearly worked well for many. This post serves as the counterargument to a previous post, “The risks of self-funding your search.”
Search Fund Courses & Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition Courses
A list of search fund courses and entrepreneurship through acquisition courses at universities worldwide.
PSA: Search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition (ETA) are not the same thing.
Learn the difference between search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition.
A complete list of search fund accelerators
Want to join a search fund accelerator? Here's a full list of the accelerators in operation today.
What is the cost of joining a search fund accelerator?
A search fund accelerator can bring many benefits, and also a few costs.
5 risks of self-funding your search (vs. raising a search fund)
When deciding whether to raise a search fund or self-fund your search, consider these risks.
Home run or base hit?
Defining success can be a challenge for the search fund entrepreneur.
Search funds and impact
Does the search fund model qualify as an impact investing vehicle?
Buying your passion
How can a search fund entrepreneur be both insanely passionate and industry agnostic?
Skin in the game
The search fund entrepreneur earns an income before closing a deal. Does this mean she has less "skin in the game"?
How to conference
Trade shows can be fruitful for search fund entrepreneurs, but only if done right.
Analysis paralysis
As a search fund entrepreneur, decisiveness is good, and too much analysis can stand in your way.
The importance of being local
A search fund entrepreneur operating outside her home market faces some additional challenges.