Webinar: search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition (University of Queensland)

Rob and I had the opportunity to discuss search funds and entrepreneurship through acquisition with MBA students and alumni at the University of Queensland. Turnout was great, as were some of the questions. Thanks to the UQ team for hosting.

As do many entrepreneurs who have been immersed in a particular niche for some time, I sometimes struggle to remind myself that the people I’m speaking to are encountering this niche for the very first time. Stripping the discussion down to basics is key. I haven’t quite figured it out yet, but I’m getting better.

Rob does a great job of delivering his story in an authentic way, and I think hearing stories like his give prospective searchers a great deal of comfort and encouragement.

Jake Nicholson

Jake is Managing Director of SMEVentures, a platform for search fund entrepreneurs that supported Australia's first search fund acquisition in 2020.

Heavily involved in search funds since 2011, Jake was a searcher himself before helping build and run Search Fund Accelerator, the world's first accelerator of search funds. He teaches entrepreneurship through acquisition at INSEAD, from which he obtained his MBA and where he currently serves as Entrepreneur in Residence.

In addition to authoring The Search Fund Blog, Jake also hosts The Search Fund Podcast.


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